Mobile email and synchronisation company Synchronica, has received two expansion orders with a combined value of $645,000 (£440,000) from one of the largest mobile operators in Russia and the CIS.
The orders follow the operator’s successful promotion of the Synchronica Mobile Gateway service, leading to an increase in demand for its mobile email and synchronisation solutions. Importantly, says Synchronica, take up of these services has been seen across all levels of its subscriber base, from consumers using basic handsets, to those using higher-end Smartphones.
The significant market opportunity that the region represents has been identified in a recent report from Juniper Research, which predicts that, along with Brazil, India and China, Russia will contribute to a vast rise in operator-billed mobile data service revenues over the next five years. The report suggests that, in the BRIC economies, this revenue will rise from $26 billion this year to $48 billion by 2013, along with an increase in the mobile user base from 1.209 billion to 1.644 billion.
“This order further demonstrates that there is a very real market for Mobile Gateway across Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe,” says Synchronica CEO, Carsten Brinkschulte. “Our solution provides a key differentiator to operators in highly competitive markets, and we see our customers expanding quickly and publicising their use of mobile email in order to protect their subscriber base, while generating additional revenues.”
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