Mobile TV chip maker Siano Mobile Silicon has revelaed that a number of Personal Navigation Device (PND) makers, including Garmin, Mio and Navigon and others, have integrated its MDTV (Mobile Digital TV) receiver chips into their latest consumer GPS products. Siano says the design wins represent a major penetration of the consumer GPS market, further enhancing its position as a one-stop shop for MDTV chip solutions in emerging mobile TV markets. The navigation plus TV devices with Siano inside are available in Korea, Europe, China, and Brazil, supporting the different mobile TV technologies of these regions.
According to Siano, the PND devices will offer a superior MDTV viewing experience, enabling reception in the most extreme conditions to meet the high demands of PND users, such as crystal clear reception in tough urban areas, and when travelling at high speeds. Siano enables all vendors with ‘free-to-the-user’ Mobile TV viewing, transmitting television programmes from major terrestrial television channels.
Michelle Abraham, Principal Analyst covering Mobile TV at research firm In-Stat, believes that Mobile TV opens up audiences and markets for PND vendors.
“Given consumers’ desire to access multimedia content on the go, combining GPS with additional entertainment services such as Mobile TV is a must have criterion for PND players to maintain their competitive edge in the market,” she says.
According to Siano, the PND devices will offer a superior MDTV viewing experience, enabling reception in the most extreme conditions to meet the high demands of PND users, such as crystal clear reception in tough urban areas, and when travelling at high speeds. Siano enables all vendors with ‘free-to-the-user’ Mobile TV viewing, transmitting television programmes from major terrestrial television channels.
Michelle Abraham, Principal Analyst covering Mobile TV at research firm In-Stat, believes that Mobile TV opens up audiences and markets for PND vendors.
“Given consumers’ desire to access multimedia content on the go, combining GPS with additional entertainment services such as Mobile TV is a must have criterion for PND players to maintain their competitive edge in the market,” she says.
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