Starhome, which provides roaming services for mobile network operators, has welcomed the decision made by the GSM Association's (GSMA) BARG (Billing and Accounting Roaming Group) to prohibit the use of Anti-SoR (steering of roaming) tools.
Anti-SoR is defined as “any technical network-based methods that can effectively frustrate, counteract or undo the effect of SoR when applied without the consent or participation of either the Roaming Subscriber or the HPMN Operator” (BARG BA.30).
In layman’s terms, Anti-SoR solutions are able to block update location messages from reaching the steering platform and are also capable of sending misleading signalling to deceive the steering application. Anti-SoR practices not only result in a substantial loss of revenue for operators, but also disrupt subscriber services by not supplying the optimum services given by the home network operator.
To identify potential Anti-SoR activities, the home network operator must instigate a lengthy three-phase manual process that includes a daily examination of roaming revenue distribution, signal tracing and testing.
The Starhome Anti-SoR Detector continuously monitors traffic statistics, and allows the operator to detect potential revenue leakage by identifying Anti-SoR activities, such as the blocking of update-location messages from reaching their steering of roaming platform, locking roamers into a network, and simulation of manual selection.
Starhome’s Anti-SoR Detector has built-in logic to identify exceptional drops or peaks in traffic statistics, as well as unexpected signaling. Upon detection, the Anti-SoR Detector has the ability to apply resistance signaling to defeat Anti-SoR attempts, and to trigger the appropriate alarm to the operator. Starhome’s Anti-SoR Detector solution interoperates with Starhome's NG-IPN (Next Generation Intelligent Preferred Network) solution).
On user request, the Anti-SoR Detector displays the top 10 networks with the highest gaps. Operators can then focus on these networks and generate detection reports to discover whether Anti-SoR techniques have been employed.
“The roaming market is an extremely competitive market, and, unfortunately, illegitimate tools, such as Anti-SoR, are still being used to steer traffic away from preferred networks, which, of course, results in a substantial loss of revenue for the operator,” says Starhome Co-founder and COO, Shlomo Wolfman “Starhome’s Anti-SoR Detector detects potential use of Anti-SoR activities to protect the operator’s business.”
Anti-SoR is defined as “any technical network-based methods that can effectively frustrate, counteract or undo the effect of SoR when applied without the consent or participation of either the Roaming Subscriber or the HPMN Operator” (BARG BA.30).
In layman’s terms, Anti-SoR solutions are able to block update location messages from reaching the steering platform and are also capable of sending misleading signalling to deceive the steering application. Anti-SoR practices not only result in a substantial loss of revenue for operators, but also disrupt subscriber services by not supplying the optimum services given by the home network operator.
To identify potential Anti-SoR activities, the home network operator must instigate a lengthy three-phase manual process that includes a daily examination of roaming revenue distribution, signal tracing and testing.
The Starhome Anti-SoR Detector continuously monitors traffic statistics, and allows the operator to detect potential revenue leakage by identifying Anti-SoR activities, such as the blocking of update-location messages from reaching their steering of roaming platform, locking roamers into a network, and simulation of manual selection.
Starhome’s Anti-SoR Detector has built-in logic to identify exceptional drops or peaks in traffic statistics, as well as unexpected signaling. Upon detection, the Anti-SoR Detector has the ability to apply resistance signaling to defeat Anti-SoR attempts, and to trigger the appropriate alarm to the operator. Starhome’s Anti-SoR Detector solution interoperates with Starhome's NG-IPN (Next Generation Intelligent Preferred Network) solution).
On user request, the Anti-SoR Detector displays the top 10 networks with the highest gaps. Operators can then focus on these networks and generate detection reports to discover whether Anti-SoR techniques have been employed.
“The roaming market is an extremely competitive market, and, unfortunately, illegitimate tools, such as Anti-SoR, are still being used to steer traffic away from preferred networks, which, of course, results in a substantial loss of revenue for the operator,” says Starhome Co-founder and COO, Shlomo Wolfman “Starhome’s Anti-SoR Detector detects potential use of Anti-SoR activities to protect the operator’s business.”
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